Kanpur Institute of Technology



“To transform ignited minds into technocrats and managers, globally competitive, highly skilled with positive mind-set, responsive to the social needs which respect human values and work as cohesive team to contribute to the needs of the country and world at large.”

Prepare students to acquire required skills, positive mind set to social and human values.

Facilitates the exchange of knowledge and ideas to provide a broad range of services to its members to develop their careers.

KIT- Kanpur Institute Of Technology


“To transform ignited minds into technocrats and managers, globally competitive, highly skilled with positive mind-set, responsive to the social needs which respect human values and work as cohesive team to contribute to the needs of the country and world at large.”

Prepare students to acquire required skills, positive mind set to social and human values.

Facilitates the exchange of knowledge and ideas to provide a broad range of services to its members to develop their careers.

KIT- Kanpur Institute Of Technology